The Psychotik Girls

7 Days of Sin: PRIDE

Pride….Pride has caused wars, mass genocide, economic collapse, and ruined whole civilizations. This, perhaps more than others, is a true death sentence. Nothing good has ever come of it for sure. Probably because Pride comes in so many forms. Vanity is the most relevant today. Vain people destroy themselves and others along the way. It’s a long road to perfection, a long road stacked with corpses and your own flesh. How many people have you made feel inferior on your quest? How many lives have been lost silently in the night? But you don’t care about that do you? You will just keep cutting…keep slicing…until their is nothing left…only your Pride.




PS Be sure to click the link to view the pictures…

7 Days of Sin: WRATH

One of the most basic emotions the entire human race has ever felt. Some may even say it was the first. That before humanity felt love and compassion…it only felt anger and rage. This is where the Warthful one dwells. Inside a hazy fog of red as far as the eye can see. No don’t mistaken this for your typical angry person. Far from it. Wrath is pure, intense, unbridled rage. Wrath can take someone that has everything, and in one moment of passion, take it all away. If Lust was a slow burn…Wrath is an explosion. One that can take apart the souls of yourself…and those around you.




PS make sure to click the link to view the pictures on Psychotik Girls…

7 Days of Sin: SLOTH

It’s so easy to stay still sometimes. Just not get up in the morning and lay about. Doing nothing but watching time pass you by. This is the Sloth. Not the animal that moves slow, but the creatures that lies down and simply waits to die. No ambition…no drive…nothing but a lump of flesh waiting to cease to exist. Such an inviting feeling…to just lie down…and die.




PS Make sure you click the link to view the pics. Like and pass it along!

7 Days of Sin: LUST

The Lusty ones are the most fun aren’t they? Enjoying the most out of one of the most base human desires. Not just limited to sex (although this being the preferred form of contact) Lust turn other people into their personal heroin. Just like any drug though, once is never enough. Than two…three…before you know it you have an insatiable urge for the contact of another that will never be satisfied. The passion will consume you until…it’s just burns you up…


P.S Remember to click the link to view the pictures….

7 Days of Sin: GLUTTONY

The Gluttonous take of all things in excess. Similar yet so different to Greed. Where Greed wants to posses, Gluttony only wishes to indulge. Be it sex or food…anything that can be taken in becomes prey to the overindulgence. One will never be enough for this type…no. Nothing will slack the insatiable need to take in everything they can until nothing remains…but you know the saying. To much of anything can be hazardous to your health…and sometimes your soul.




P.S. Click the link above to view the GLUTTONY photo set on Psychotik Girls

7 Days of Sin: GREED

Cupidity, Acquisitiveness, Covetousness, Rapacity, Avarice…Whatever you choose to call it…it’s all Greed. The Greedy want it all. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as they have it. Greed presents itself as a drug…once it starts it’s hard to stop. You just keep going until eventually…you loose it all. You see, Greed attracts other Greedy people. Once they set their sites on you… it’s a matter of time. A seductive mistress awaits you…a mistress glittering bright…but all things that glitter…aren’t necessarily gold.




P.S. Click the link above to take you to the Greed photo set…be sure to like The Psychotik Girls Facebook page while your at it.

Seras Psychotik the Mardi Gras Queen!!!

Hello Freaky Darlings! I have some special pictures out for all of you Psychotik Girl fans! In honor of our favorite time of the year and a party coming up, Seras has done some Mardi Gras pictures. Yes below you will see some candids of Encyclopedia Psychotika’s own Mardi Gras Queen, Seras Psychotik! So without any more a due, Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Happy Mardi Gras Darlings!

Seras Mardi Gras 1Seras Mardi Gras 2

Seras Mardi Gras 2






Hope you enjoyed them Darlings! Stay tuned for more exclusives from the Psychotik Girls! Want to see more? Like the Facebook page HERE!!! Be sure to stay tuned for a News Asylum update today as well!

Until Next Time, My Freaky Darlings, (Couple Hours at most, Hee Hee)

Malice Psychotik